Aim: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant public health concern which could adversely affect mothers as well as their babies and families. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of PPD and its risk factors. Material and Method: This descriptive study included 302 mothers with babies 0-12 months old who presented to the hospital for varying reasons in Kutahya, Turkey, between October and August 2015. Consenting mothers were given the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) and a form including items on postpartum risk factors, reproductive characteristics, and sociodemographic variables. Data were analyzed using Chi-square tests, logistic regression, and ANOVA test analyses. Results: The prevalence of PPD was 32.1%. The rates were higher among those who live in rental homes. in crowded families, and who were not satisfied about where they have been living. PPD was more prevalent among mothers who smoked cigarettes, gained more weight during pregnancy, experienced prior depressive episodes, those with premature babies, and those who gave birth following unintended pregnancy. There were no relationships between mothers' educational, working, or income status and prevalence rates. Mothers of one-month old babies had higher scores on the PPD scale compared to others and the average scores on the scale decreased as babies got older. Discussion: Dissatisfaction with where they live, living in a rented dwelling, an unintended pregnancy, a past experience of depression, smoking, and excessive weight gain during pregnancy, giving birth to an underweight baby, and first months following birth are the risk factors that have a significant effect on PPD. The risk factors identified in this study can guide planning regional health services for specific risk groups.