Evaluation of the Late Neurologic Deficits Acaompanied by Hyperrrophic scars and Keloids in Children with Elbow Fractures

Yalçın Ö.

J Pediatr Orthop, vol.21, no.5, pp.577-579, 2001 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 21 Issue: 5
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Journal Name: J Pediatr Orthop
  • Page Numbers: pp.577-579
  • Kütahya Health Sciences University Affiliated: No


 In this stucly. the relation betu'e'e'n hypertrophic scar and keioid (HSc) lesions around incisions and late neurotogic defıcits was inve.stigated in operated elbow fractures in children. Six elbow fracture patients witlı HSc lesions were evaluated for neurologic deficits with late onset. Tiıe Iractures were. all ciosecl and treatecl u,ith open reduction and inte'rnal fixation. No neurologic cleficit was dete.ctecl before surgery and in the early postope.rative pe.nods. Late neurologic deİlcits observed in these patients were evaluated according to British Medical Re.searclı Coınnıittee scoring scale on admission and after therapl,. In the reoperations for neurologic deficits. the nerve. segments were found to be compressed in inte,nsive SCar tissue. Typical pseudoneuromas were observed in the proxinıal part of compression: however, the corporal integrity of the nerves wa_ç not internıptecl. External neurolysis were performed in all patients. Excellent improvements in sensory and nıotor functions were detected and no recurrence occurred in followup. Elbou, fracture. patients, especially those witlı HSc lesions around their incisions. should be followed up for possibie neurologic deficits with late onset. Ke1' Words: Elbow fracturesHypeffo