Chip rate and symbol rate MMSE functionalities for CDMA receivers CDMA Ahcilarma Uyarlanabilecek Çip ve Sembol Seviyeli MMSE İşlevsellikleri

Baştuǧ A.

Proceedings of the IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2004, Kusadasi, Turkey, 28 - 30 April 2004, pp.395-398 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Kusadasi
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.395-398
  • Kütahya Health Sciences University Affiliated: No


LMMSE-variant chip equalizer and MMSE symbol estimator are discussed for the UMTS FDD mode. Since the scrambler is aperiodic in the downlink, LMMSE receiver has to be adapted at chip rate. Modeling the scrambler as stationary random sequence, however, Max-SINR equalizer-correlator structure which might be adapted at symbol rate is obtained from the LMMSE receiver formulation. Linear symbol estimates at the correlator outputs can be refined by MMSE functionalities. Composite performans analysis of the discussed (L)MMSE structures is done and its applicability on estimating the interfering user symbols is discussed. ©2004 IEEE.