Karabiyik Z., Kiranatli M., Yurttaş M.

1st International Dental Research and Health Sciences Congress, 20 - 22 May 2021, pp.158

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Page Numbers: pp.158
  • Kütahya Health Sciences University Affiliated: Yes



Aim: Accessory mental foramen (AMF) is not a common anatomical variation. During the surgical procedures involving mandible such as implant surgery at mental region, obvious attention should be given to prevent postoperative sequale.

Case report: Orthopantomograph (OPG) is routinely taken to visualize the maxillofacial region at dental clinic. OPG shows exactly upper,lower jaw and teeth, but superficially reveal some pathology or anatomic variation. It misses sometimes  anatomic landmark such as AMF. As the surgery is planned to maxillofacial region, a detailed knowledge should be known before go into surgery to not interfere with anatomic landmark. 52 years old male patient was referred to Kütahya Health Science University Dental Hospital, Turkey to rehabilitate his bilateral partial edentulous lower jaw region. Implant surgery was planned in our patient. OPG was taken to evaluate the maxillofacial region but is was unremarkable. Before the implant surgery, CBCT was obtained from our patient. CBCT and a- three dimensional reconstructed model of male patient showed bilateral accessory mental foramen (AMF).

Conclusion: CBCT should be provided before the surgical procedures involving mandible. Accessory mental foramen (AMF)  carries additional innervation to chin, mandibular anterior gingiva and mental region. Reflection and protection of the AMF during the surgery can prevent hemorrhage, neurosensory disturbance at mental region and can improve quality of life for patient.