Comparison of laparoscopic and open surgery splenectomies performed for hematological diseases

Cakir M., TEKİN A., Kucukkartallar T., Vatansev C., Aksoy F., Kartal A.

Chirurgia (Turin), vol.25, no.3, pp.161-164, 2012 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 25 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Journal Name: Chirurgia (Turin)
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.161-164
  • Keywords: Hematologic diseases, Laparoscopy, Splenectomy
  • Kütahya Health Sciences University Affiliated: No


Aim. Today most of the splenectomies performed for non-traumatic reasons are undertaken due to hematological diseases. In our study, our aim is to present the results of splenectomy cases that were applied laparoscopic and open surgery for benign hematological malignancies. Methods. We retrospectively examined 240 cases on whom splenectomy was performed in General Surgery Clinic at Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selcuk University between June 2002 and January 2011 because of hematological diseases in terms of age, gender, diagnosis, the presence of accessory spleen, operation method and duration, need for blood transfusion, duration of hospitalization, morbidity and mortality. Results. The mean age of the patients was 39 (17-74). 142 (59%) of the patients were female and 98 (41%) were male. Hundred forty of the splenectomies were performed with laparoscopic procedure, 100 were carried out with open method. Laparoscopic splenectomies were completed in 88 (50-140) minutes and those performed with open method took 52 (34-100) minutes to complete. On average, patients who were applied open surgery were discharged 5,7 days later, and those who had laparoscopic surgery were discharged 3 days later. The cases were followed for 44 (6-72) months on average. Conclusion. In hematological diseases, splenectomy is a distinguished treatment applied after medical treatment or if this treatment is inadequate. In hematological splenectomies, laparoscopic intervention is to be the primary choice.